Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Item# 15: Web 2.0 Future of Libraries

Anderson article: I agree that libraries and librarians need to be prepared for rapid change and adapt to new technologies our patrons want. However, I thinks it's important to remember libraries at its core is an educational institution and that one of librarians core values is to teach the patron (time permitting). I think moving away from that is a disservice to our profession and our patrons. We still need to cater to our patrons that are not technologically inclined and Need libraries for basic information (i.e homeless, poor, underserved).

Riemer article: I like his idea of user participation. Especially, in light of popular sites like Yelp! and Amazon customer reviews. It makes perfect sense that library websites should have a user participation component.

Library 2.0 means progress, not staying stagnant and ignoring the changing world around us. It also means keeping a balance. Catering to new technologies and also being mindful of those that may get left behind. I don't want libraries to be so advanced and so wrapped into technology that it leaves patrons that need us most out of luck. Even now, patrons that don't know how to use a computer are at a disadvantage searching the catalog or even applying for a library card. They have to wait in line for help while the tech savvy patron gets in and out. It means using new available tools and technologies that patrons want, will find useful, and offer an opportunity to learn and enrich.

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